
Zolocsik / Boring Wedding

First off, CONGRATULATIONS to Priscilla and Matthew!! It was an absolute pleasure to photograph their beautiful day of ceremony and celebration! From the relaxed atmosphere at the Zolocsik house during wedding preparations to the high spirited party celebrating these two, it was a delightful day filled to brim with love, laughter, and joy.

This is a VERY small preview of the photographs that the Borings will be receiving!! I have been so busy with finals that I haven't had a chance to sort through the photos in their entirety, but I figured they might like to have a small preview! :)

3V2A0016LOGO3V2A6570LOGO3V2A6684LOGO3V2A6335LOGO3V2A6837LOGO3V2A03803V2A7125LOGOSo much love throughout the day <33V2A7290LOGOAnd laughter of course!3V2A8527LOGO 3V2A8591The beautiful alter at Saint Thomas Moore University Parish! 3V2A8855LOGO3V2A6755LOGO23V2A46423V2A03273V2A9929LOGO

Once again, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :)

Wolfe Wedding

Several months ago, I was fortunate enough to be a second shooter for the Wolfe Wedding! Unfortunately for you, dear reader, school swept me up and I was unable to post these images on the website until now! This wedding was absolutely beautiful with an incredible amount of rustic chic and attention to detail! A huge congratulations to the Wolfes!! :) 1797338_532039960245349_1132747182_n1912329_532035363579142_1472187221_n1962721_532036990245646_1854082618_n1653353_532035196912492_860164664_n-11782040_532039910245354_435869660_n1796590_532037173578961_1563778712_n1902851_532037156912296_659587101_n1965079_532036946912317_2023896580_n1800279_532039916912020_1198022486_n1901653_532036986912313_1444647966_n1622736_532039950245350_1695046605_n1653353_532035196912492_860164664_n1660533_532039913578687_1631739270_n1912297_532035163579162_1050654330_n1932303_532035166912495_690418547_n1962584_532035393579139_2100658577_n1800449_532035476912464_1475416035_n12751_532036943578984_1382232604_n1901245_532035496912462_957447559_n1621713_532036950245650_283917996_n

Sherrie & Rick, Part I

Sherrie & Rick are married!! They met on the internet 5 and a half years ago, and she thought he was veryyyy cute. What she didn't know was that he could see that she was checking out his profile! When I asked her about it, she said, "I just kept coming back to that face." <3 They ended up meeting up for a date, and I guess you could say the rest is history!