May 8th, 2015
Not every part of adventuring is exciting... Although it can be quite fun.
Karen and I spent the better part of the morning in the MINI dealership. Roxanne was getting her new O2 gauge installed, which introduced us to worn out brakes. Roxanne got new brakes, an expensive and more time-consuming procedure. Karen and I found that the service from the MINI dealership was excellent though.. A sunshine in a grey morning.
Aside from the free coffee, which I drank with great joy, they provided us with wickedly speedy internet, electrical outlets, and a shuttle to take us to an amazing BBQ restaurant. The restaurant has remained on that spot for 40 years, and they made us the envy of the entire dealership.
It was nice having a morning to get work done since I am already feeling behind. I'm currently plugging away on 24 credits for the summer term, and I'm somehow trying to find enough time in the day to take and edit these photographs. It's been mixed success thus far, but I'll make it work (as I always somehow due, even to my surprise).
We booked a couple hostels and begged for a couple more couch surfing experiences... Karen and I are not pre planners (for example, see my posts from Barcelona, Florence, or Venice..), but luckily for us, Haley has managed to book us quite a few places. The chances of us sleeping outside have been drastically reduced by her presence.
MINI sent us on our way after showering us with gifts (a plush MINI bulldog, a MINI noteboook, a MINI backpack, two MINI pens, a MINI coffee cup). As the dealerships are want to do, they cleaned the outside of my bug splattered MINI too.
We traveled to Best Buy to return a battery that was failing Karen just a week after its original purchase. This was our fatal mistake. I had let Karen borrow my digital camera on the first day. She fell in love (the Canon 5D Mark III is the only Prince Charming I could fathom), and I began to convince her to convert to Canon from Nikon.
I got to keep my camera.... <3 After nearly 3 hours of debate with me and the Canon and Nikon representatives, Karen decided to convert. I bought an inexpensive tripod. But Best Buy didn't have Karen's camera in stock, so we traveled for nearly 40 minutes to pick it up. After a rude exchange with that Best Buy's staff, we had the camera in tow.
We finished our day with my family, the Shearons. Jennifer will be graduating tomorrow, which is part of the whole reason that we ended up in Nashville in the first place. We had pizza and salad, two delicious combinations. I'd like to think that I had more salad than I did, but boy, was that pizza good..
We returned to our bedtime buddies, the two dogs at Kit's house, and began to sleep.
(Note: I did not take these photos today.... I took them the day prior; I took the day off.)
Thanks for following the day in Nashville!